Our Core Values: Expertise, Family and Respect


At Atlas of London, we take immense pride in our 20+ years of experience as a furniture logistics company specialising in high-end retailers, interior designers, removals and challenging access deliveries. Our journey has been marked by growth, learning, and building relationships, and at the heart of everything we do are our core values: Expertise Family, and Respect.


Delivering Excellence through Mastery

Expertise is the foundation of our success. Our team's in-depth knowledge and proficiency in the intricacies of furniture delivery, particularly for high-end retailers and complex access scenarios, set us apart. It's not just about transporting furniture; it's about ensuring the impeccable condition and placement of every piece. Our commitment to excellence drives us to continuously refine our skills, stay updated with industry trends and provide unparalleled service to our valued clients.


Nurturing a Culture of Togetherness

Family is at the heart of our identity, as we are a family-owned business that extends our sense of kinship to everyone we work with – employees, clients, and partners. We believe in fostering a work environment where everyone feels valued, supported and connected. Just as in a family, we celebrate each other's successes, stand by each other in challenges, and work collaboratively to achieve our shared goals. This sense of unity and belonging is what fuels our exceptional teamwork and dedication.


Upholding Compassion and Understanding

Respect is the cornerstone of all our interactions. We treat every individual – whether they're a colleague, client or collaborator – with the utmost respect and consideration. We recognise and honour diverse perspectives, valuing the unique contributions that each person brings to the table. This fundamental respect creates an environment of trust, open communication and mutual support, enabling us to navigate complex situations with professionalism and integrity.

As we embrace these core values, we reinforce our commitment to providing an unparalleled experience for our clients and partners. Our Expertise ensures the flawless execution of deliveries, our Family mentality fosters a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere, and our Respectful approach ensures that every interaction is characterised by empathy and dignity.

 These values aren't just words on paper; they guide our actions, decisions and interactions every day. As a testament to our dedication, you will find these values reflected in our interactions with clients, partners and within our tight-knit team. We invite you to join us on this journey, where Expertise, Family and Respect create the foundation for excellence.


Thank you for being a part of the Atlas of London family.



Ross & Nicola Rowe

Company Owners

Let’s Work Together